Fine art photography of nature & the environment

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New Website Announcement

I’d like to officially announce the release of my portfolio website

Both sites will work together in unison to bring quality images of the natural world.

Fall Expedition 2011

“The river of life is within us and the sea of life surrounds us” is a famous T.S. Elliot quote that I remember from grade school.  With a place such as Yellowstone- people can see things in an entirely different way at the same place, same day and even the same moment. We all extrapolate different data and interpret it a different way. We emote differently. The passion is within us but the experience and how you relate to it is around you.

My experience from this Autumn expedition is recorded here and also in the various pages in this web site that are related to a different region or Park. From places like the Great Basin through Utah all the way to the Yellowstone ecosystem there is abundant scenic beauty and wildlife. Yellowstone is compared to the Serengeti of North America. And for good reason. There is always something to see no matter what the weather beholds and even if it seems like the wildlife activity is slow there are deeper reasons as to why. The more that you know then you can uncover the secrets to nature.

Grand Teton

Great Gray Owl

Grizzly Sow with Cub

Grand Teton

Stillwater N.W.R

Grand Teton

Grand Teton

Mule Deer

Moose with Calf

Grand Teton

Ruby Lake N.W.R.

Little Sahara, B.L.M., Utah

Grand Teton

Black Bear

Stillwater N.W.R.

Great Basin N.P.

Great Gray Owl

National Elk Refuge

Grand Teton

Grizzly Cub

Grand Teton

Grand Teton

Ruby Mountains, Humboldt N.F.,NV


 Western Grebe,Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge, UT

Cinnamon Teal


Great Basin N.P.


Little Sahara, B.L.M., UT

Grand Teton

Grand Teton



Great Horned Owl

Great Gray Owl

Grizzly Sow with Cub

Grizzly Cub

Grand Teton

Ruby Lake N.W.R.

Grand Teton

Yellowstone/Grand Teton Fall 2010

“The River of life is within us and the sea of the life is around us” is a famous quote from T.S. Eliot that I remember from grade school. Indeed, the power of nature is within us and each one of us has a different and unique experience that we inherit from what surrounds us. In the Yellowstone ecosystem I am reminded of this as no one experiences nature in the same way. Wildlife abounds but it depends upon where you were on that day. The clues are in the weather, in the soil, in the animals themselves and also by word of mouth.  You can see things that you never witnessed before and each day is different with a new experience. Nature is in full competition here. This is what I recorded from this Fall of 2010.

*Please view Yellowstone Fall 2010 page and Grand Teton Fall 2010 page for more content.

* New Mountain Lion images are posted under the “Raft River Valley” page. Mountain Lions are incredibly rare and illusive. I have great respect for this animal and continuously learn about their importance in our landscape.

Gallatin N.F.,MT


Grizzly Bear


Grey Wolves

Shoshone N.F., WY

Cinnamon Black Bear, Grand Teton


Black Bear




Grizzly Bear with two Grey Wolves

Grizzly Bear

Shoshone N.F.,WY

Grand Teton


Black Bear




Yellowstone/Grand Teton Spring 2010

Grizzly Bears and 9 Wolves

Sandhill Crane




Grizzly Sow w/ 2 cubs


Grizzly Sow w/ 4 cubs and Elk

3 Grizzly and 9 Wolves compete for Bison carcass

Gallatin NF


Grizzly Cub

Gallatin NF

Thermal activity


Grizzly Sow w/ her Cub

Black Bear Cub

Grizzly Sow w/ 2 Cubs

Grizzly Cub

Yellowstone/Grand Teton

Fall is an amazing time to be in the Rockies. The colors are amazing and their is a plethora of wildlife to view as they prepare for the long harsh winter. Fall is not just the time for our “Thanksgiving” but it is time for the wildlife to fatten up (hyperphagea).

Grizzly Bear

Grizzly Bear

Grizzly Bear

Black Bear

Grizzly Bear


Full moon.

Great Gray Owl

Bald Eagle

Grizzly Bear

2009 saw an unusually warm late summer and then a sudden drop in temp so that the Aspens leaves mostly turned to brown and then dropped. Fires were rampant and wildlife was at mostly high altitudes as if it were still July- August. An  unusual fall indeed but there are always things to find. I always say that it is easy to find nothing and hard to find something. So if I hear myself saying “there is nothing here”; I just have to look harder.

Yellowstone Expedition February 2010


Bison horn

Coyote and Vole

River Otter

Lamar River

Coyote and Magpie



Here are some images from my recent trip to Yellowstone.

Images from Yellowstone, February 2010